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Writer's pictureLaura Waller

ADHD: Things to Love about YOUR Brain

ADHD can come with negative connotations in our society. Words such as “lazy, distracted, or unmotivated” may be used to describe those with an ADHD diagnosis.It is CRUCIAL that the people in your family understand that these labels and stereotypes are wildly out of sync with the reality of an ADHD brain. As we discussed in previous posts, the executive functioning deficits that accompany ADHD are deficits, not character flaws. Here are just a few of the strengths and benefits of an ADHD brain.


Remember that ADHD is not an inability to focus, it is difficulty with regulating focus.That means that when an ADHD brain is locked in to a specific task, the hyperfocus on that specific task can produce incredible results. Hours of focus on one problem or product is a hallmark trait of an ADHD mind.


Impulsivity can sometimes lead to amazing discoveries. Being able to think quickly and try out something new means life is never dull. An ADHD brain is willing to veer off the beaten path and often introduces the neurotypicals of the world to new ways of doing things.

High Energy

Kids and teens with increased energy often are reprimanded for fidgeting and constant movement. However, imagine a world without people who are highly energetic. High energy is contagious and encourages those around it to pursue their own passions and interests.

When working to help your kids and teens understand and externalize the deficits that accompany ADHD brain, consider doing some research on famous people with ADHD and other learning disabilities. The stories that are available can increase confidence and inspire. This article is a great place to start that research:

If you have any questions about ADHD or would like to talk with someone at KS Services for a free 15-minute consultation, please reach out at

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